Friday, July 11, 2008

Friday's Gut Check

Here is Friday's offerring brought to you by Coach Rut. Its a good one.

"Gut Check"

21 KB swings (Big bell)
21 Pullups (Kipping or dead hang)
21 KB swings
21 Burpees
21 KB swings
21 Box jumps
21 KB swings
21 Thrusters (45#, so bar only)
21 KB swings
21 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (65#) (wide base with legs, narrow grip on bar, start in deadlift form, and pull to chin, then back down to ground, thats one)
21 KB swings

For time.

As always, let me know when you plan on working out, and I will come over and go over the WOD and form on the lifts. If you guys need more KB's and boxes, come over and get them from me. This one will take a little while, so make sure you guys are ready. Its called Gut Check for a couple of reasons. One, its going to take some guts to finish this strong, as its a hard workout. Two, because the number of swings will engage your core if you are doing the swings correctly. Either way, its gonna get ya. Have a great workout, enjoy the weekend, and get ready for next week, which will be another great week. Plan on possibly getting wet in one of next weeks WODs, so get some goggles for the pool if you dont have them allready.


st8we said...

I did "Little Fat Fran" this afternoon after I hit my interval runs at lunch.

Little Fat Fran:

12-9-6 of:

135# Thrusters
53# + bodyweight pullups

for time: 9:00 as Rx'd. That was a quick, brutal workout. Wow, that was nasty. Enjoy the weekend everyone.

Craig S said...

21 KBS (53#)
21 Pullups
21 KBS
21 Burpee w/Pullup(7.5' bar)
21 KBS
21 Box Jump (24")
21 KBS
21 Thrusters (65#)
21 KBS
21 SDHP (65#)
21 KBS

Time=29:20 (aka forever)

Great WOD, thanks for the motivation.

st8we said...


Glad you liked the workout, and thanks for checking in with us over here at WTBN. Keep up the good work, 29:20 is not bad at all. The only person you have to beat is you, and your last time. Keep it up, and keep in contact with us here. If you need anything, dont hesitate to ask.

Craig S said...

Thanks for your support. I appreciate your focus on functionality and the tactical application of fitness. Training for the unknown stimulus/task/mission, not the image in the mirror, is my focus as well. I'll try and post with you guys as much as possible to see if I can return the favor and provide some motivation.