Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dead Wednesday

Its time to bring your "A" game to the table today gents. Nothing fancy today, nothing "new age". Its deadlifts and nothing but deadlifts. Get some chalk and some weight, and some M A N, and hit it up.

5-5-5-5-5 Deadlift. Post loads to comments.

All video clips courtesy of exercise section of their website.

This workout should be progressive in nature. In other words, you should work up through the sets until you get to your "true" 5 rep max. Start at about 60% of your 5 rep max, and work your way up from there. Good crisp form, straight back, tight core, and keep your lower back from rounding. Watch the video clips, and then hit it up. Have a great day, and lift some weight!!!


st8we said...

These were my numbers from today:

265/295/315/335/350 5x5 as Rx'd. I probably could have gone about 10-15 more pounds, but the back was getting tired, and I wanted to keep good form throughout. I think 350 for 5 is a PR. Good job to you guys out there today as well. 350 for 5 is 1.8 times my bodyweight, btw. I dont think I would be able to pull 2x bodyweight (380) for 5 just yet, so kudos to you guys that hit 2x bodyweight today.

Anonymous said...

165/175/185/195/205 as Rx'd. I think I could have pulled off another few pounds. I actually pulled off 265 for my 1 rd max, just over 2.1 times my body weight. Really struggled on it, iffy form for a second but pulled through. Great workout to test my strength, definitely was impressed with my strength to size ratio.

Craig S said...

Dead Lift 5x5 as Rx'd:
Pull Up +35# 5x5
(dead hang and chest to bar)

The Guy said...

Whats up everyone Craig turned me on to this spot.

5x5 295 its all the weight I had.


st8we said...

Welcome to the site Athlete. Hope you like it. Its always good to have guys checking in.