Monday, October 27, 2008

Monday Fun

Here is today's workout, brought to you by yours truly. Get on it, and get it posted. Here it is....


3 rounds of the following:

10 pullups
10 air squats
10 GHD situps


3-3-3-3-3-3-3 Deadlift Work up to 95% of your 1rm. Post loads to comments.


3 rounds of the following for time:

10 KB crosschops (24kg bell) 5L/5R

20 Jumping back squats (45# bar) (Put bar on back like a back squat, squat down, then explosively drive up from the "hole" and "jump" in the air with the bar on your back.)

30 Knees to elbows. Post times to comments.

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