Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Make it hurt

Todays WOD brought to you by me. Enjoy it.


4 sets of the following:

10 pullups (dead hang)
10 pushups
10 GHD situps


5 x 5 Shoulder Press. Try to get about 85% of your 1rm for your sets. Remember, shoulder press is done with no momentum from your hips. It is best described as a static standing military press.

Mini WOD:

3 rounds for time of:

10 KB swings 70# bell
10 95# Thrusters
10 box jumps (big box)
10 burpees

Post loads for the shoulder press, and times for the mini wod to comments. Enjoy your day. Try not to scale the miniwod unless you ABSOLUTELY have to. Just see how you do at the Rx'd weights if you can.

1 comment:

st8we said...

Warm up completed as Rx'd.

SP loads were as follows for 5x5:


Time for Mini-WOD (mini my ass) was : 14:28 as Rx'd with 70# KB, 95# Thrusters, and tall box. Holy crap...Who's idea was THAT WOD...oh yeah, it was mine...