Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My stomach's on fire

Here is one of the WODs from http://www.crossfit.com from the other day. This one doesnt seem like all that much until you actually do it. (isnt that always the case) Dont let the look of this WOD fool you, its difficult, painful, and strength sapping, in the case of your abdominals. Dont go into this workout half hearted or it will eat you alive.

10 135# Squat cleans
50 Glute Ham Developer Situps
8 135# Squat cleans
40 Glute Ham Developer Situps
6 135# Squat cleans
30 Glute Ham Developer Situps
4 135# Squat cleans
20 Glute Ham Developer Situps
2 135# Squat cleans
10 Glute Ham Developer Situps

The Squat Cleans are a crisp Olympic lift, with power being generated from the hips. It starts from the ground, and then lifted by slack arms and hip speed, to the rack position, then taken to the ground in a front squat, and then stood up in the rack....thats one.

A proper GHD situp is one where the legs are straight throughout the movement, alternating arms on reps touch the ground behind you, and the hips are used to "snap" back into an upright position. These will take you the longest, and leave you the most destroyed a couple of days after this WOD is completed. Dont skimp on form on either exercise, and you wont regret it. Scale weight on the Squat cleans if needed, and scale reps on the GHD's if needed. Come over to our place today if you want instruction on the Squat clean and to access the GHD machine. Good luck. I did this one yesterday as Rx'd in 21:44. My core is extremely sore, and fatigued today, as you could imagine. Oh well. As always, post to comments.


Anonymous said...

Two words, "GHD's Suck!" This workout was a pain in the neck because of them. I pushed through the Squat Cleans like a madman, but I lost a lot of time on the GHD's. Total time was 15:34. Definitely increasing my times, as well as strength. I feel it's time to kick up the weight on a lot of my exercises.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Sgt Green when it comes to adding on to the weight. I finished mine in 21:50. The rest of the S-4 got a great workout as well. Prior to the crossfit workout the S-4 shop ran for 1 hour and 10 minutes.