Monday, June 23, 2008

Pullup ladder

With a continuous running clock, do 1 pullup on the minute, then 2, then 3, etc, until you cant do any more pullups in a minute. Post number of rounds competed. In other words, start the clock, do 1 pullup in a minute...then rest until that minute is up, then do two pullups in a minute....keep going as high of reps as you can get, until you cant get any higher than the last set completed in one minute. Then count the numbers of rounds you got done and post to comments. Start out dead hang, then switch to kipping. No jumping though, just dead hang or kipping. This will hurt the hands, so be prepared for that. Last time I did this one I got 16 or 18 rounds, I cant remember. Anyway, hope you all had a great weekend. Make sure to post your rounds to comments.
If it wasnt clear, you can get off and on the bar during your minute, as long as you complete one more pullup than the last round before the minute is up. So you can rest, and remount the bar, you just have to get progressively higher in your numbers each round. Hope that clears it up.


Maj Mills said...

First made up the shoulder press workout from last week (7 rds of 21 x 75#SP and 21 x back extensions). Time - 24:27

Knocked out 12 rds +6 reps of the pull-up WOD. Started feeling the fatigue on round 10. 3 round improvement from 8 Apr.

st8we said...

Made up the 65# Thrusters/pullup workout from the other day today. 10 Thrusters and 10 pullups, as many rounds as you can in twenty minutes. I got 10 rounds done. No gas left in the tank. It was hot and humid out at 1430 today, and that sapped all the energy I had to get the 10 rounds done. I am out of shape....

Anonymous said...

I at home on leave so luckily I was able to do this one on my pull up bar in the apartment. I completed 22 rds + 13 reps. Kipping definitely helped but still burned out about 3/4 of the way through, great workout!