Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Get it on Tuesday

Here is todays workout from www.cathletics.com

Muscle snatch - heavy single (Work up to a heavy single, at least 5-7 sets between 1-3 reps till you get to your heavy single. I will go over the finer points of this today.

Power clean + push jerk - 75% (of power clean) x 2 x 3

3 rounds for time of:

10 Squat Clean + lunge each leg while in the rack - 50% BW (do a squat clean, stand up, then lunge left, and lunge right, thats one)
20 kipping pull-ups

Make sure you guys are doing all the exercises correctly. If you are working out at 1130 again, I can go over a few things before I have to leave for an appointment. Post loads and times to comments as always. Have a great day!


Strength/METCON hybrid workout:

For time:

12 135# Thrusters
30 Wall ball (20# ball)
9 Hand stand pushups (full range of motion)

9 135# Thrusters
40 Wall ball
6 Hand stand pushups

6 135# Thrusters
50 Wall ball
3 Hand stand pushups


st8we said...

Muscle snatches - worked up with 3 sets of 5 at 95/100/105, then did my heavy single at 110.

Power Clean and Push Jerk x 2 x 3
First set 155 second set 175

3 rounds for time of:

10 squat cleans + lunge left and right with 50% BW (95#)

20 kipping pullups

Time was 11:35

Sweated buckets and used tons of muscle today. Great workout.

Anonymous said...

Muscle snatches
Heavy single was 105

Power Clean and Push Jerk 2x3
First set 105 Second set 115

Mini WOD- 7:08

Great workout today, the WOD wore me out, looks simple but my legs were on fire around the middle of the second round!