Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Keeping up with the "New" stuff


There are a couple more "new" lifts that you are guys are doing today. I will explain them as best I can, and you guys will take it from there. I will be around only until about 1230, so if you guys are going to work out, and want some input from me, it will have to be before that. This is day 3 of the cathletics cycle. Here it is:

Front squat - 73% x 3 x 5 (bar is set in the rack position like when you receive a clean, and then squatted. You will do about 73% of what you can back squat for three sets of 5. Start with a conservative weight here guys, this is an akward movement if you arent accustomed to it. High elbows in the rack are VERY important for this lift. Other wise its a straight squat. is a link to view the front squat.

Snatch pull - 100% x 3 x 3 (set up for a snatch, and just do the pull from the floor to the point where you pull your shoulders up right before you "turn over" the weight to receive it overhead. Elbows slightly bent, shoulders high, and on the balls of your feet. Thats the pull. If you dont know your 100% weight, stick to around 135#.) is a link to view the Snatch pull.

Rack jerk behind neck - heavy single; 85% of single x 1 x 3 (all this is is a jerk that you do from the rack. is the link for the rack jerk. The only difference is you are going to take this off the rack behind your neck like a squat, and perform the jerk that way. Getting fast, getting UNDER the bar, and locking it out is the name of the game. You will WORK up to a heavy single with as many 1 rep sets as needed until you get to your heavy single. Do your heavy single, and then do 3 reps of 85% of your heavy single weight.)

Then do the following light metcon as fast as possible, with good form.

3 rounds for time of:
25 kipping pull-ups
20 knees to elbows
15 sandbag Zercher power cleans - 45% BW - We dont have SANDBAGS obviously, so substitute 50% BW Power cleans with the barbell. is the link for the power clean, in case you dont remember how to set up for it.

Again, as you guys have questions, feel free to ask. After talking with some of you yesterday, you all did the Muscle snatch wrong, and ended up doing more of a snatch press. No worries, we will correct that for next time. Sorry that I have been out of pocket for the last few days, I have been dealing with my day job... If you guys can work out around 1100, I could help you guys out today. I am still a day behind in the programming, so I have to squeeze yesterdays workout in today before I take off as well.

***All programming and video links are courtesy of catalyst athletics. just to give credit where its due. ***


Anonymous said...

Great workout, the front squat were killing my wrists though.

Front Squat - 135 1st rd, 145 2nd/3rd round

Snatch Pull - 145 all 3 rds

Rack Jerk behind neck - 140lbs was my heavy rep, 115 for 3 rds

Mini WOD: 11:34

Anonymous said...

Front squats are awkward as we havent done them with alot of weight yet in our crossfit journey. They are bad on the wrists as green said.
The workout was good and something new is always good in my opinion as our bodies get used to certain things and dont react as much to the same thing all the time as much as planned.

Front Squat 155/165/175
Snatch Pull 175 3x3
Rack Jerk behind the neck 155 was my 1 and 140 1x3

Mini WOD 13:58
it was challengeing also.
Semper Fidelis

Capt Salm said...

Yet again a great ass kicker Gy.

Front Squat: 135, 145x2
Snatch Pull: 145x3
Rack Jerk behind neck: Heavy Single was 140, 115x3

Mini WOD: 16:20

st8we said...

Front squat 3x5 185/205/225
Snatch pull 3x3 135/135/135
Rack jerk behind the neck. Worked up to 195 for heavy single. Then did 3x195. Will hit it higher next time.

3 rounds of

25 kpu
20 k2e
15 95# PC

Time was 12:48 Hands blew out on the second set of PUs. Gutted through it and jacked my hands up. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

Did this workout on Thurs. took Wed. off.

Front Squat: 135 1st rd, 145 2nd/3rd round

Snatch Pull - 145 all 3 rds

Rack Jerk behind neck - 150lbs was my heavy rep, 120 for 3 rds

Mini WOD: 10:10