Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Taking on "The BEAR"

The bear is what's known as a complex. In other words, you will do a certain sequence of exercises in order to complete one "rep" in this workout. You will complete 7 "reps" in each round, for a total of 5 rounds. Starting weight is 65#, and ending weight is on the individual. Goal here is for max loads, not time, so there is no time component. Rest is as needed, but with a catch: If you are in the middle of a round, there is no resting with the bar on the ground. The bar must stay off the ground (however you want to) until that round of 7 complexes has been completed. After the first set of seven is done, you can put the bar down to rest, add weight, and chalk up as needed. This is the complex to be completed:

Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back squat
Push Press

You can combine the front squat/push press and the back squat/push press into thrusters if you wish, but you must stand in the clean prior to attempting the front squat or thruster. Like I said, 7 reps of the "Bear" per round, 5 rounds total, max loads. Post loads to the comments, and have a great time with it. I love this workout, and it will WEAR YOUR GRIP OUT!

**Also, conducted unit PT this morning, and I had them do "Little Runny Angie" from Crossfit PC. This is what that was:

For time
400m run (was really 463m, but whos counting?)
50 pullups
400m run
50 situps
400m run
50 pushups
400m run
50 air squats

Times ranged from 18 minutes up to 30 minutes, depending on the ability of the individual. Good workout, really got the lungs working, thats for sure.


Anonymous said...

The bear was a challenging workout. I started out with:
Set #1: 65 lbs
Set #2: 75 lbs
Set #3: 85 lbs
Set #4: 95 lbs
Set #5: 75 lbs

I truly was feeling the burn by the end of the 2nd set but the motivation that the instructor and the other Marines were putting out pushed me to give 110%.

My food intake today was:
Breakfast: Coffee, apple
Lunch: BAg of chips and bottle of powerade
Dinner: Grilled chicken, asparagaus, buttered noodles.

This is my second crossfit workout and I plan on sticking with it. I currently weigh 150 lbs and my goal weight is 140 lbs and much more toner than I currently am.

st8we said...

Now thats the way to start your logs. Good job Sir. Everyone else needs to model their posts from their workouts just like this one. Great job yesterday too by the way. Keep at it!

Anonymous said...

This one fried me! Mine went as follows:
Set#1 65 lbs
Set#2 75 lbs
Set#3 80 lbs
Set#4 75 lbs
Set#5 65 lbs

My stomach was really cinching up after the first set. After set three I had to tone down the weight, but still got a great overall workout. Fatigue was starting to set in so it still beat me down. I'm sure I'm going to be quite sore tomorrow.

My meals for today went as such:
Breakfast: Bowl of cheerios, apple, cup of OJ.
Lunch: Tuna salad with crackers, Fritos twists, and a Gatorade.
Dinner, Chicken breast, greenbeans, rice, glass of milk.

Crossfit is definetely the way to go for me. Lifting weights and running is really boring for me. The pace and daily change of the workouts is great to keep the interest up.

I weigh in at 126 right now. My goal is to get to 140, possibly 150. I weighed 135 before my surgery, I lost 14 pounds after it though. So I'm looking to put the rest of the lost weight back on, plus a few more pounds.

D. Hill said...

This work out was awesome very hard. it was great to see the way i've improved since i start doing cross-fit about a week ago. a very intense and physically demanding work out my weights were as follows:

Set #1 65 lbs
Set #2 95 lbs
Set #3 115 lbs
Set #4 95 lbs
Set #5 95 lbs

like i said i enjoyed this work out after the fact it was awesome to see that i was able to do the lifts.